A Bitcoin Maximalist On Central Banks With Daniel Prince

In this episode of “Fed Watch,” the hosts are joined by Daniel Prince, host of the “Once Bitten” podcast.

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In this episode of Bitcoin Magazine’s “Fed Watch” podcast, Christian Keroles and Ansel Lindner sat down with Daniel Prince, host of the “Once Bitten” podcast. Prince offered a perspective from his unique experience, starting from a successful career in global forex and trading, to traveling the world for years with four kids and now as the host of a bitcoin maximalist podcast interviewing many great bitcoiners.

This episode covered a wide range of macroeconomic topics at a high level using bitcoin as the central force. Prince represents the demographic of people entering bitcoin, professionals with experience with money markets and a concern about the current system and its effects.

Fifteen years of living in Singapore enabled Prince to meet influential macro experts and become exposed to a sound money culture, being that gold is more respected in the Far East. He related his experience of getting red pilled about fiat money, fiat education and fiat food. It seems that fiat delusions are infecting all aspects of society and culture. The conversation took a dark turn when discussing what a collapse of the fiat Ponzi looks like when the topic of depopulation came up, but the hosts quickly turned this back to the positive by discussing how bitcoin will help the world.

Prince brought up central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the latter half of the episode and that brought them back to “Fed Watch’s” bread and butter. They all agreed that CBDCs are a central bank attack on banks, and in that event, banks will win. They have the opportunity to wield the new weapon of bitcoin against the central banks. This is a much different way to answer the fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) spread by nocoiners about bitcoin being attacked by governments.

“Fed Watch” has established itself as the bitcoin podcast which goes past the surface arguments about the monetary system, uncovering uncomfortable topics and diving deeply into how bitcoin will reshape that system. It brings on exciting guests from all corners of macro to discuss the most important topic in finance today.

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