Binance Smart Chain 1st Anniversary in Dvision Metaverse

The Binance Smart Chain announced an upcoming first anniversary for the community-driven blockchain protocol, September 2021. The event under the name “Binance Smart Chain 1st Anniversary in Dvision” will be hosted in Dvision Metaverse, with many projects on the layer 1 solution putting heads together to ensure a successful celebration.

Binance Smart Chain is almost one year old, and the team is set to celebrate the months of great success with the crypto community. One of the Dapps – Dvision Network, built on top of BSC, initiated the BSC anniversary celebration of their cutting-edge metaverse to ensure full participation and appreciation.

Event Details

The Dvision Team has revealed the announcement that 30 top projects on the Binance Smart Chain are collaborating to make the anniversary successful. These projects are mainly from GamiFi and Gaming NFT Sectors.

The event will kick off from September 8 to September 13, 2021. Although the Dvision is set to host this community-driven event, it will be co-hosted by 30 other leading BSC projects, with the Dvision charged with supervising the celebration to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

According to the early announcement, the venue will be called “Binance Hall” which the Dvision Network Team created for the event. This event will last for six days, and metaverse will be open for 4 to 5 hours every day based on the agenda complexity.

The team expects many participants from many companies and builders, a large number of attendees. They also anticipate that many countries will be represented in the upcoming events.

Time Table

As the celebration kicks off, the hosts have outlined many events and programs to ensure coverage of all the intended goals. There will be panel sessions, many in-game, including the rewards from the event sponsors, and will provide a rewarding experience for the incoming users and visitors.

There will be a presentation on “Going Multichain” by the co-founder of Curvegrid, Jeff Wentworth. Also, some projects will be introduced, including “Alpaca Finance” Bunny Park, “MyDefiPet” under the category of “spotlight project”, which mainly includes the MVB II Top 10 projects. As for the main events, there will be others such as “Digging the Earth,” “Dancing Event,” “OX Quiz,” and “Catching Running Characters.”

It is expected that all the airdrops will be provided as in-game events, which means the BSC Anniversary in Dvision Metaverse will go beyond mere presentations and sessions. However, participants will benefit a lot from the topics to be presented as they’ll focus on core blockchain-related issues for more enlightenment.    

With 30+ BSC leading projects in the GamiFi, NFT, and Gaming sectors, 20+ speakers, and up to 30 different NFT and Token Airdrops, the BSC Anniversary is expected to become one of the largest events ever conducted in Dvision Metaverse. The attendees should expect interactive discussions, hands-on product demonstrations, and one-on-one meeting opportunities with leaders in the space.

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