Bitcoin Paves The Way Toward A Truly Sustainable Future

True sustainability lies in a fundamentally sound money secured by cryptography.

Over the 12 years of its existence, Bitcoin has garnered praise and tremendous enthusiasm. It has also attracted a great deal of criticism and disdain. From economists and bankers to policy makers, those entrenched within the financial industry have disapproved of this cryptocurrency. Depicting it as a Ponzi scheme and “too volatile to be a store of value,” they have expressed their wish for Bitcoin to go away.

The latest criticism centers around Bitcoin’s high-energy consumption, i.e., the significant amount of electricity miners use to secure the ledger. Mainstream media is pushing the idea of “wasteful” mining, positioning Bitcoin as an agent of environmental pollution. Yet this is based on a misconception. A comprehensive analysis of carbon emissions created within the financial sector shows that Bitcoin mining has a far smaller harmful environmental impact than the impact of energy use within the legacy banking system.

The FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) fostered by the media around the environmental “purity” of Bitcoin mining was recently amplified when Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, despite having embraced Bitcoin, recently made a 180-degree turn. In a May 12, 2021 tweet criticizing Bitcoin’s environmental impact, he backtracked on his earlier decision to accept Bitcoin for payment for his company’s vehicles. He then announced that he had met with leading North American miners to form the Bitcoin Mining Council, which would promote energy usage transparency to facilitate sustainability initiatives worldwide.

This billionaire’s dramatic move — along with his subsequent breakup meme tweet caused a sharp decline in the bitcoin price. What is perceived as Musk’s social media attack on Bitcoin came about in today’s media narrative, converging Covid with climate change issues and in the decline of the fiat system with hyperinflation. Now, Bitcoin’s competition with the status quo heats up.

Match Against The Great Reset

Despite not yet being at the end of the pandemic, and amid mainstream media’s overblown Bitcoin “wasteful energy use” debate, world leaders are coming forward to fix problems that are now perceived to pose an existential threat to humanity. The Great Reset, initiated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) together with the United Nations and The International Monetary Fund (IMF), states its aim as re-engineering the world economy so that it emerges from the Covid crisis into a better world.

Using slogans depicting the creation of a more fair and greener future, a group behind the Davos agenda encourages business sectors and civil society to practice “stakeholder capitalism.” Working within UN Sustainable Development Goals to micromanage all of the resources of the planet, this agenda aims to create a world where people will own nothing and everything they need will be rented.

Bitcoin, the world’s first stateless currency that currency, that advocates self-ownership challenges their planned economy. By providing a viable alternative, Bitcoin presents itself as a fierce contender in a contest toward a “sustainable future.” This competition between two economic networks revolves around divergent visions of humanity, and its outcome will determine the fate of humanity.

Transhumanism Agenda

The central idea behind the Great Reset is transhumanism. Transhumanism, a loosely-defined movement that has developed over the last decades, aims to enhance human conditions through science based on a mechanistic understanding of nature. With a knowledge paradigm that aims to dominate and control nature, transhumanists try to chart an inorganic path of evolution. Their goals are to go beyond the biological limit of the human condition, and to attain far greater human capacities than displayed at present, by merging humans with the machine.

The foundation of transhumanism was laid within the ideology of Social Darwinism, which became prominent during the late 19th century. English philosopher Herbert Spencer, after reading Charles Darwin’s book “On the Origins of Species,” sought to apply Darwin’s idea of biological evolution to the social realm. By coining the term “survival of the fittest,” Spencer described processes that Darwin has called “natural selection” in mechanical terms.

Spencer’s interpretation, emphasizing superiority of physical forces, fostered Social Darwinists’ view that the strongest and most capable individuals in a population should be allowed to thrive without restriction, while the weak should not be prevented from dying out. This sociological theory cemented the idea of biological determinism and this was used to justify modern predatory capitalism, which allows the wealthy few to ruthlessly exploit and prosper.

Law Of Natural Selection

Through a centrally-planned monetary system (known as central banks), the rich and powerful control resources. They then create artificial scarcity and subject the entire population to their rigged game of Monopoly, making people compete against one another. As their “survival of the fittest” war economy dictates who should live or die, which countries to be bombed and sanctioned, Bitcoin, a breakthrough of computer science, has now intervened.

Contrary to the view of Social Darwinists, the theory of natural selection did not mean that only the strongest should survive. Darwin shared what he observed in the natural world – how organisms that learned to adapt to their environment have a greater likelihood of surviving and producing more offspring than ones that didn’t.

The mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, designed a technology in accord with the laws of nature. Bitcoin is cryptographically secured, decentralized money. With its fixed monetary supply of 21 million, Bitcoin regulates itself through the algorithm. The mining market built around this currency restored the organic force of evolution, enabling fair competition and healthy price discovery.

The market that dynamically adjusts mining diffi­culty according to demand, with a tight feedback loop resetting every two weeks, does not give favor to anyone. The Bitcoin network rewards those who play by the rules while it ruthlessly wipes out those who are not fit to meet the demands of the market. Brutal mining competition drove rapid changes in mining equipment as hardwares were made to evolve into becoming more cost and energy efficient to keep up with increasing difficulty. Now that a global level of security has been achieved, this currency that is greener than the petrodollar provides great human rights protection in the face of oppressive military regimes.

Social Darwinism 2.0

As Bitcoin’s permissionless and open distributed network has now begun to free people from the kingdom of kleptocrats, the architects behind The Great Reset are about to launch Social Darwinism 2.0. Apparently, through advanced technology such as genetic engineering and nanobiotechnology, the Davos crowd — who have been manipulating the globe in their favor — now aim to alter human nature itself through “a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.” Their ultimate goal appears to be the creation of a post-human society where humanity is subjugated to the supremacy of cyborgs.

With the suggested implementations of the immunity passports that would be used to regulate cross-border travel and commerce, now a merger of digital and biological identity seems to be quietly taking place. Created by Silicon Valley tech giants, this is a centrally authorized global certification system that validates lab results and vaccination records based on their designated authorities. This could potentially lead to the beginning of tying digital medical records to digital identity.

As the global vaccination certificate infrastructure is being built, central banks are preparing to roll out their digital currency that has a capability to track and control everyone’s transactions. Researcher Alison McDowell – who has been investigating the agendas behind the Great Reset – describes their new economic system as a biosecurity state that creates a new level of behavioral control and surveillance, based on the intervention of health management.

In this technologically-governed system, instead of individuals being able to directly work with the inherent wisdom inside their bodies that nature endowed them, they are made to rely on Big Pharma and biotech industries as intermediaries to manage their health. As the global power consortium now tries to further steer humanity away from its natural course of evolution, Bitcoin began to defend humanity against this machine takeover of the life world.

Conscious Evolution

While Darwin’s theory provided an explanation of the origin of life and its exclusively biological evolution, there is another paradigm beyond a materialistic science that sees evolution in a context greater than mere physical existence. Epigenetics is a new field of science which studies biological mechanisms that turn genes on and off, and how cells read those genes. This now challenges the dogma of biological determinism, revealing the true potential of the human mind. Epigenetics shows us that genes do not control biology, but rather it is how we respond to our environment that changes the fate of cells and genetic expression.

With its foundation in scientific knowledge of evolutionary biology, Bitcoin now opens up an organic path of conscious evolution, in which human beings are empowered to participate in processes of evolution. Bitcoin, with its feature of “freedom to choose,” allows ordinary people to reject the emerging biosecurity state that denies the ability for each individual to pursue his or her own unique path to their well-being. By choosing the option to trust math rather than a third party, we can now trust our own senses and natural immune system and become the master of our own biology.

Claiming the power of conscious choice, people around the world are voluntarily coming together to hold nodes. They are misfits, unbanked, freedom lovers, those who are called deplorable by a politician, and who are victims of bank fraud and financial terrorism. Now, Bitcoiners all unite to maximize Darwinian fitness for the survival of their own species.

A decentralized network of sovereign individuals has now become like a large organism. Interacting with a new ecosystem, this network has begun to drive changes in society. Countries are starting to join the road toward hyperbitconization, learning to adapt to a new economy free from the dictates of the central banks. El Salvador has now become the first nation to declare Bitcoin as legal tender.

By aligning everyone’s self interests, Bitcoin helps those who are willing to look after themselves. Supercomputers around the globe channel energies from the armed race of weapons manufacturers that have been destroying life and the environment, redirecting them to build a peaceful world. Fierce competition for scarce money, rewarding honesty and truth, creates a flow of abundance. Now, if we choose to, humanity can rise above the struggle of existence and create a sustainable future that honors the sacredness of all living beings.


Special thanks goes to La Fleur Productions for her editorial help.

This is a guest post by Nozomi Hayase. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC, Inc. or Bitcoin Magazine.

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