Unmarshal Showcases Its Multi-Chain Blockchain Explorer Supporting Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain

Unmarshal, a Multi-chain DeFi data indexing network, makes another grand move by releasing a multi-chain explorer with support for Ethereum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain. The multi-chain modeled for investors, developers, or even exchanges functions as a decentralized data querying tool for interested parties as it indexes blockchains from genesis block to the latest block.

Xscan.io functions as a multi-chain explorer built like a Google search engine with an easy-to-use interface and don’t require any technical experience from users. Anyone can simply insert blockchain transaction information like transaction hash or address, or even an ENS, and Xscan.io helps decode the information without any hassle. Like the average internet user conducts a Google search, anyone interested in fetching data from any of the blockchain’s Unmarshal currently supports can use the tool to fetch token balances, decoded transaction history, and even transaction history from the booming NFT sectors.

Although similar tools like blockchain.com explorer, Etherscan, and BSCscan exist, in the case of Blockchain.com’s explorer, users still need to select their blockchain preference which focuses mainly on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum. Meanwhile, Etherscan and BSCscan only support a single network. Still, compared with other explorers like Ethscan, BSCScan, Xscan’s UI is much leaner with visual cues to help improve visibility across assets and transactions.

Speaking with a member of the Unmarshal team on the recent milestone, He said that

“The current version is still a working prototype; there will be significant improvements in the upcoming versions.”

They equally hinted at an upcoming “Bug Bounty” program geared towards minimizing vulnerabilities in the explorer and improving the interface while incentivizing the community.

With more people trooping into DeFi every day, a tool like Xscan.io that abstracts technicalities and devoid of a complex UI could further act as a springboard to onboarding more users.


Image by 377053 from Pixabay
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